Committed to Europe
Since 2000, ONCE Social Group has built closer partnerships with European institutions as we are convinced employment is the best way to secure the full social inclusion of people who are blind or who have other disabilities. We have also worked to have responsible gaming recognised in Europe.
Employing innovative approaches and through the Technical Office for European Affairs (OTAE), ONCE engages with the European Union (EU) in alliance with its key institutions - the European Parliament, the European Commission and the European Council - key organisation of visually impaired people, the European Blind Union (EBU), the European Foundation Centre (EFC), Social Economy Europe (SEE) and the European Disability Forum (EDF), which together represent the rights and interests of 85 million European citizens with disabilities.
ONCE Social Group works tirelessly to show how people with disabilities contribute and generate social and economic wealth both in their local communities and nationally.
As a renowned responsible gaming operator - our main source of income - subject to strict public control, ONCE is a member of European Lotteries (EL) and, by extension, the World Lottery Association (WLA), spreading its model for responsible gaming committed to projects to meet the needs of society’s most vulnerable groups.
We play an important role in disability policy development as a part of organised civil society in crucial areas for Europeans with disabilities such as the European Accessibility Act, EU ratification of the Marrakesh Treaty, the European Disability Strategy 2010-2020 and implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities at EU level.
Human rights, transport, access to culture, universal accessibility, inclusive education and inclusion in the labour market…in addition to ONCE’s work in these areas over the past 15 plus years, ONCE Foundation has also contributed through the European Social Fund (ESF) to provide employment and training for people with disabilities.
As a member of the EBU, ONCE participates in the PARVIS (se abrirá nueva ventana) project to raise awareness and sensitization of the rights of blind and visually impaired people in Europe.
Access more information about PARVIS (se abrirá nueva ventana)at this link
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